Good Morning Sunbeam lovers everywhere.
IT IS NOW : February 17th 2025
Time to be thinking about the Summer and the work needed on your beloved Sunbeam, be it S7 or 8. How is the electrics ? Need a bit of a looking at ? Hard to start ? Give it a boost with a Beamspark Mark 3 electronic ignition kit !!!
All kits are ready on the shelf to despatch immediately. If you have any questions on Sunbeam issues I can offer what experience I know.
Details on how to pay at the end of this article.
Regards John
The Beamspark ignition units are designed to be fitted in a simple way to enhance the starting and reliability of the Sunbeam bike. The bike can be returned to factory standard at any time. Essentially the conversion consists of removing the distributor cap and plug leads, removing the rotor arm and condenser.
Fit Beamspark unit which has four wires.
Fit one wire directly to the points. Mount the new ignition coil. Connect the marked coloured wire to the coil. Connect coil to ignition live on switch. Fit marked wire to the bike chassis ( Ground)
Fit marked wire to the ignition switch. Connect coil HT leads to spark plugs. JOB DONE !
Full pictorial instructions included with every kit and a two year return to me warranty.
Just to let everyone know : New Product :
Twelve volt POSITIVE earth Beamspark Mk.3 unit, now available from stock.
The kit is a bit more expensive at £110 due to one off production.
I have kits all tested complete with installation instructions and 24 months warranty to go out the door .
Let me know your requirements !
Six volt positive earth kit, consisting of : Mark 3 six volt positive earth ignition unit.
: Twin output six volt coil.
: Standard or Slimline distributor cap ( black or silver ).
Post free UK : £ 105
Twelve volt negative earth kit, : Mark 2 12 vo;t negative earth ignition unit.
: Twin output twelve volt coil.
: Standard or Slimline distributor cap ( black or silver ).
Post free UK : £105
Twelve volt positive earth kit, : Mark 3 positive earth ignition unit. ( special )
: Twin output twelve volt coil.
: Standard or Slimline distributor cap ( black or silver ).
Post free UK : £110
My name is : John Moseley
Please pay to my Bank Account for immediate delivery.
Bank sort code : 20-41-12
Bank account number : 73145123
My e mail address is [email protected] for any questions. Thank You.

This is the new Mark 3 Slimline distributor blanking cap. Available in satin black finish or brushed aluminium as shown in the two pictures.
Available now as part of the Beamspark kit ( 6 or 12 volt ) at no extra on the kit price.
Available now as part of the Beamspark kit ( 6 or 12 volt ) at no extra on the kit price.